"Behind The 'Seams'" TV Pilot (Trailer)
Production Company: Deserted Media
Executive Producers: Marlon Cunningham, Tony Griffin, Cash Carasco
Producers: Shoree Boyd, Chad Fraughton, Stacey Young, Sanjay MJ Gounder
Line Producers: Emma Duke, Evan J Newman, Hailey Sprung
Director: Matt Gubler
Creative Director: Ibby Ali
Director of Photography: Cash Carasco
Cam Ops: Cam A: Daniel Perez, Cam B: Lu Ntunzwenimana
2ND Unit A Cam: Pierce Kempton
Assistant Camera: Marcus Chase
BTS Cam: Connor Phillips
Editors: Cash Carasco, Marlon Cunningham, Pierce Kempton
Utah Jazz X AFM Clothing Collab